Dalībnieku organizācijas
Eiropas onkoloģijas pacientu organizāciju kongresa “Par vienlīdzību vēža uzveikšanā” runātāji un dalībnieki pārstāv sekojošas organizācijas:
The Latvian Association of Oncology Patient Organizations “OncoAlliance”, Latvia
Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition (POLA)
The Hille Tänavsuu cancer treatment foundation "The Gift of Life" (Vähiravifond Kingitud Elu), Estonia
The Center for Innovation in Medicine, Romania
Karkinaki, Greece
Melanoma Patient Network Europe
Slovenian Association of Patients with Lymphoma and Leukemia
The Pink Train Foundation, Latvia
The International Brain Tumour Alliance, United Kingdom
The European Cancer Organisation
Bulgarian National Patients` Organization, Bulgaria
Slovenian Lymphoma and Leukemia Patient association, Slovenia
Myeloma Patients Europe
Rakn’ Roll, Poland
The European Patients’ Forum
Association of Men helping themselves, Czech Republic
Voice of Cancer Patients, Czech Republic
Association for help and support of patients and caregivers of Hematology diseases, Macedonia
Estonian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Patients' Society, Estonia
Bulgarian Lymphoma Association, Bulgaria
"Pokonaj raka" Foundation, Poland
Recovering Together Association, Hungary
Agigma Zois, Greece
CarciNor, Norway
Fondation A.R.CA.D, Aide et Recherche en CAncérologie Digestive, France
Lymphoma Coalition, Spain
Alliance of women with breast cancer, Czech Republic
Hungarian Alliance of Patient Organizations, Hungary
The Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends, Cyprus
Europa Donna, the european breast cancer coalition, Italy
Association for fight against all types of cancer (BORKA), Macedonia
Nätverket mot Cancer, Sweden
Malta Health Network, Malta
Genetic and Genomic Counselling Association of Malta
HungerNdThirst Foundation, The Netherlands
International charity fund for children suffering from Leukemia, Georgia
Charity foundation "Home care foundation", Lithuania
Acreditar & Childhood Cancer International Europe, Portugal
EPF, Belgium
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, Sweden
Europacolon, Italy
Community Health Association Romania
Organisation "Storona C", Latvia
A future for our children, Bulgaria
Fundacja Onkologiczna Alivia, Poland
Fundacja La Cinta, Poland
Oncologic Patients Support Society “Tree of Life”, Latvia
MTÜ Saaremaa Vähiühing, Estonia
Hungarian League Against Cancer, Hungary
HENARAN charitable foundation, Armenia
Fundacja Urszuli Jaworskiej, Poland
National Breast Disease Association, Lithuania
Fundacja dla Dzieci z Chorobami Nowotworowymi "Krwinka", Poland
Recovering Together Association, Hungary
Stowarzyszenie Kobiet z Problemami Onkologiczno-Ginekologicznymi "Magnolia", Poland
Fundacja Wygrajmy Zdrowie, Poland
FABC Romania
Society “Par dzīvot”, Latvia
Fundacja Carita, Multiple Myeloma Patient Organization, Poland
Mazowiecki Szpital Wojewodzki Im. Św. Jana Pawla II W Siedlcach Sp. Z o.o., Poland
Digestive Cancers Europe, Belgium
Fundacja Onkologiczna Nadzieja, Poland
Fundacja TO SIĘ LECZY, Poland
International Kidney Cancer Coalition, Finland
Stowarzyszenie Mezczyzn z Chorobami Prostaty "GLADIATOR", Poland
Europe Donna, Spain
Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety, Poland